USOSWeb is a virtual student's book, in which you can follow your progress.

The shifting of the deadline of passing exams and final assessments to courses is granted only in justifiable cases, defined in § 43 ust. 1 of the Regulations of Study at the University of Lodz (in particular in the case of the student's illness, a fortuitous event, giving birth to a child, or looking after the child).

Please submit an application for shifting the exam session in the Dean's Office along with attachments confirming the justifiability of the application – until the end of the re-sit exam session at the latest.

The Dean can allow the prolonging of the exam session in order to finish the diploma thesis and pass the diploma seminar in the last semester of the studies, but for no longer than one month since the date of the end of the re-sit exam session, in accordance with § 54 ust. 2 of the Regulations of Study at the University of Lodz.

Please submit an application for prolonging the exam session in order to finish the diploma thesis, along with the supervisor's opinion about the stage of advancement – until the end of the re-sit exam session at the latest.

Check in the study programme whether one can take a conditional exam for this course
Check the limitations with regard to the ECTS credits.
A semester can be passed conditionally if the courses that the student did not pass have the common value of no more than 10 ECTS. The Dean makes the final decision
If the above-mentioned criteria have been fulfilled, you can pass the course conditionally – when you pass all the other subjects, please submit to the Dean's Office an application for passing a course conditionally, until the end of the re-sit exam session.
Fees for the conditional passing of a course
The dates of paying the fees: for conditional passing in the winter semester – until 15th December; for conditional passing in the summer semester – until 15th May of the year of passing the assessment/exam

If a student has gained an unsatisfactory grade from a course and thinks that the course of the assessment was incorrect, they can submit to the Dean an application for a committee exam, within 7 days from the day of the exam's results; then the Dean can order a committee exam (§5.1 h) of the Regulations of Study at the University of Lodz).
Unsatisfactory grade from a compositional form of a course should be inserted into the system so early that the prospective committee exam could take place at the latest during the main exam session.
In the case of not obtaining permission to sit the committee exam, the student can apply for a conditional passing for the next semester or for repeating the course under the conditions stated in the Regulations of Study at the University of Lodz.
If the student did not pass conditional exam, they cannot gain an approval to have conditional passing, but they can apply for repeating the semester.
If the student gained the unsatisfactory grade from an exam in the re-sit exam session, the Dean can – upon the student's application for the committee exam, submitted within 7 days after the exam's original results, when it is justified by causes indicating an incorrect course of the exam  – order a committee exam (§ 44 of the Regulations of Study at the University of Lodz).
The committee exam should take place within 10 days from the day of the Dean's decision.

In the case of crossing the limit of the ECTS credits needed for conditional passing, the student can apply for repeating the semester.
Please submit to the Dean's Office an application for repeating a semester until the end of the re-sit exam session at the latest.
It is not possible to repeat both semesters (the first and the second).
Within the whole course of studies, the student can repeat one semester at the most. In the case of not passing a semester after this limit has been reached, the student is crossed off the students list and can continue the studies by continuation (with the consideration of prospective programme differences) or by participating in the recruitment process anew.
The fees and the dates of payments

In the course of the studies, the student can apply for a leave connected with a fortuitous event, giving birth to a child, or looking after the child, as well as in other justifiable cases according to § 50 ust. 1 of the Regulations of Study at the University of Lodz.
Please submit to the Dean's Office an application for the Dean's Leave along with documents confirming the reason behind applying for the leave immediately after the event justifying the granting of the leave.

After applying for the Dean's leave, you will be given a referral to doctor's examination in order to obtain a specialists' opinion.
The Dean's decision will be made after you submit to the Dean's Office a doctor's statement after the examination.

Realising courses from later semesters takes place in accordance with § 5 pkt. 2 h) of the Regulations of Study at the University of Lodz
Please choose courses from a study programme in later semesters, stating the sequence of the courses.
Please submit to the Dean's Office the application for passing courses by promotion, along with the approval of the courses' coordinators, not later than in the second week after the courses have begun.

The student can apply for:

  • having payments divided into instalments
  • having the deadline for payments adjourned
  • an allowance in fees

The application needs to be submitted in the Dean's Office within deadlines defined by the University of Lodz's Rector's Ordinance no. 9 of 26.10.2020

Application for an allowance in fees
The application should be accompanied by a statement about the number of people in the household a well as documents confirming the student's financial situation.
Having  the payments divided into instalments as well as having the deadline for payments adjourned do not require attachments concerning the average income per a member of the family.

Submit an application for issuing the student's card to the Dean's Office.
Attach the confirmation of payment for the duplicate of the student's card, transfer to the following account: Faculty of Management, Bank PEKAO S.A. II O/ŁÓDŹ, no: 59 1240 3028 1111 0010 2943 2388.
The fees

Log into the USOSWeb system and choose 'Scholarships'
Generate the application and submit to the Dean's Office within a suitable timeframe.
The scholarship applications are considered by the thew Centre for Student and PhD Student Services
Detailed information

Individual Arrangement of Studies (34 of the Regulations of Study and the University of Lodz) means the necessity to realise the study programme in force in a given semester/year and requires a double approval from the Dean.
A lecturer can define the conditions of passing a course in the IOS mode only after the student had been granted by the Dean an initial approval for applying for the IOS.
In the case when the IOS is to be justified by, among other things, a job or studies in two study programmes, applications need to be submitted based on the following conditions:

  • submit the application for being able to apply for the IOS not later than until the end of the first week of a given semester (this is the Dean's first, initial, approval);
  • having been granted initial approval of the Vide-Dean, collect via e-mail the lecturers' opinions concerning class attendance and the form of assessment, sending to the lecturers the scan of the Vice-Dean's initial approval;
  • based on the received e-mails from the lecturers, complete the list of courses for the IOS; you are obliged to keep the e-mail sent by the lecturers until the end of the semester that the IOS encompassed (they can be needed for a verification, but do not send them to the Dean's Office);
  • submit the written list of arrangements concerning the way of realizing and passing the learning outcomes for the courses encompasses by the IOS not later than until the end of the third week of the given semester (this is the Dean's decision concerning the approval of the IOS);
  • you cannot apply for the IOS in the first year of the 1st-cycle studies as well as in the first semester of the 2nd-cycle studies. The final decision concerning the IOS belongs to the Dean;
  • the student applying for the IOS who within the course of studies had a conditional passing of a semester or who repeated a semester cannot be granted the IOS.

In the cases provided in the 34, ust. 1 of the Regulation of Study at the University of Lodz, the application to the Dean can be submitted in any semester, without keeping the above-mentioned dates.

Application for the individual arrangement of studies
List of courses for the IOS

  • Students who repeat or resume studies in the last year can submit – alongside the application for repeating/resuming studies – an application for joining a seminar group, accepted by a prospective supervisor (in accordance with the offer confirmed by the Faculty Council). Persons who will not submit such an application are enrolled into the seminar group run by a previous supervisor. In the case when the supervisor does not have an active seminar group, the decision about the enrolment into a seminar group is taken by the Head of the Department together with the head of a study programme.
  • The application for joining a seminar group must be opinionated by the supervisor who accept the student to his/her class.

  • Applying for studies at the Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz in the mode predicted by the §21 of the Regulations of Study at the University of Lodz is possible for persons studying economic programmes at the University of Lodz who have passed at least two semesters of studies for the 1st-cycle studies and one semester of studies for the 2nd-cycle studies without conditional passing or repetitions.
  • All formalities connected with the change of a study programme should be ended before the semester starts. Changing the study programme is possible only if the student meets the recruitment criteria for the given study programme.
  • One needs to submit the application for transfer from another university/faculty of the UL.

  • Applying for studies at the Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz in the mode predicted by the §20 of the Regulations of Study at the University of Lodz is possible for persons studying economic programmes at the University of Lodz who have passed at least two semesters of studies for the 1st-cycle studies and one semester of studies for the 2nd-cycle studies without conditional passing or repetitions.
  • All formalities connected with the change of a study programme should be ended before the semester starts. Changing the study programme is possible only if the student meets the recruitment criteria for the given study programme.
  • One needs to submit the application for transfer from another university/faculty of the UL.

  • One needs to submit it to the Dean's Office.
  • One can empower any person by giving their personal details contained in the personal ID card. It needs to be stated clearly what the person is empowered to do and in what scope, e.g. certification about the student status, collecting the diploma, etc.
  • the template for the empowerment

One needs to check if the date of collecting the diplomas has already appeared in the USOSWeb system in the tab For Students ––> Diplomas, or in the tab My USOSWeb.

  •  Graduates of studies which began in the 2019/2020 academic year do not pay for issuing the diploma
  • The diploma of graduating from studies – 60 PLN for graduates of studies which began in 2018/2019 and earlier
  • An additional copy of the diploma in translation into a foreign language – 20 PLN
  • An additional copy of the supplement for the diploma in the English translation – 20 PLN
  • A duplicate of the diploma of graduating from studies – 20 PLN
  • Fees can be paid only by transferring money to the Faculty's bank account: 59 1240 3028 1111 0010 2943 3888
  • An additional copy of the diploma and an additional supplement in the Polish language is free of charge

completed electronic clearance slip in the USOSWeb

  • student's ID
  • personal ID

Diplomas can be collected in the building of the Faculty of Management in room 13. Dates of office hours are provided at the Website of the Faculty.

  • The application for issuing an additional copy of the diploma and the supplement needs to be submitted to the room 13 along with the confirmation of payment of the fee to the Faculty's bank account: 59 1240 3028 1111 0010 2943 3888
  • persons whose diplomas were issued before 15.07.2021 need to additionally submit the present photograph measuring 4,5cm x 6,5cm
  • in the case of making the copy of the diploma in translation into a forein language, the name of the University, the occupational title, and the result of finishing the studies is left in the original language

  • A duplicate of the diploma is issued in the case of losing the original diploma.
  •  In order to receive a duplicate of the diploma, one needs to submit a written application for issuing a duplicate of the diploma along with a statement about what has happened to the original diploma. The application should be directed to the Dean of the Faculty. One also needs to attach the confirmation of payment for the duplicate of the diploma (20 PLN).

Details are provided at the Website: Office hours of the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs

  • There are active students' scientific associations at the Faculty of Management.
  • The students' scientific associations organise conferences, trainings, charity actions, and events.
  • Activity in a students' scientific association can become the beginning of new contacts and developing one's interests, as well as it creates the opportunity to conduct interesting research and gain experience in matters such as organising an event, planning a budget, acquiring financial recourses, and financially processing/settling an event.