Projekt SUSEDI – na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju


The University of Lodz Faculty of Management, represented by Dr Anna Wronka (Head), Dr Marta Raźniewska and Dr Agata Rudnicka-Reichel, is a member of the international consortium implementing the SUSEDI project – Route to Transformation of Educational Institutions through a Whole Institution Approach to Sustainability - (SUStainability in EDucational Institutions).

Over the years, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has evolved and been adopted at all levels of formal education, while gaining interest of non-formal education. However, in the majority of cases this approach is sporadic and chaotic. This means that curricula promoting ESD do not reflect how various educational institutions are run and the connection with the surrounding community is not visible. This approach was previously referred to as the "Whole School Approach", but along with the need to extend ESD beyond school education, i.e. in workplaces, communities, this term has now been changed to the "Whole Institution Approach" – WIA.

SUSEDI is a joint transformation and certification pathway for different educational institutions (formal, non-formal, as well as primary, secondary, tertiary, higher education, vocational schools and adult education) to adopt WIA for sustainability. Its goal is to transform them into WIA through a series of transformational steps, in line with the WIA systemic framework for sustainability, and certify them when milestones are reached. Additionally, SUSEDI aims to develop sustainability competencies among teachers / leaders / administrative staff as their role is of key significance for institutions to adopt WIA.

The primary goal of the project is to develop a social, organisational and pedagogical framework that will enable educational organisations to realise sustainable objectives. Moreover, as part of the project a certification system for interested entities will be developed. The project lasts 48 months and involves a partnership of 13 entities from various European countries.

Website of the project: 

Edit: Faculty of Management