Eksperci UŁ na Europejskim Forum Nowych Idei


University of Lodz engages science to solve community problems in the face of civilisational challenges in the age of globalisation. For this reason, the university's experts will have a strong presence at this year's European Forum for New Ideas in Sopot, 11-13 October. Researchers from the University of Lodz will actively participate in as many as six panel discussions devoted to the most important problems of modern business, such as artificial intelligence, competences and the labour market of the future, child well-being in the digital world or new green cities. The University of Lodz students will also take part in an Oxford debate.

It should be emphasized that the University of Lodz, together with the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, are the main knowledge partners supporting the 12th edition of EFNI.

The University of Lodz will be represented by: 

  • Dr hab. Agnieszka Kurczewska, Associate Professor, the University of Lodz Vice-Rector for External Relations, researcher at the Department of Economic Mechanisms at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz,
  • Dr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska, Director of the Centre for Intelligent Technologies at the University of Lodz
  • mgr Ada Florentyna Pawlak, lecturer at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Lodz, speaker at the Digital University, Vice-President of the Society of Ethics and Philosophy of Technology. She specialises in the area of the social implications of artificial intelligence and transhumanism,
  • Dr hab. Wojciech Woźniak, Associate Professor, Department of the Sociology of Structures and Social Changes at the University of Lodz, member of the Polish and Finnish Sociological Society,
  • Dr hab. Mariusz Sokołowicz, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Regional Economics and Environment at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz.

Boldly reach for the important – this is our motto. The University of Lodz wants to be an active participant in important debates and discussions, those big ones, with an international reach such as the European Forum for New Ideas, but also smaller ones, but equally important from a local perspective. As a socially responsible university, we want to be present wherever something important is happening and enter into an active dialogue with the business world. The fact that we are the main knowledge partner of such an impressive undertaking is the result of our conscious strategy

– emphasizes Dr hab. Agnieszka Kurczewska, Associate Professor, the University of Lodz Vice-Rector for External Relations.

Discussions during EFNI will be divided into 6 thematic blocks:

  • Europe on global markets
  • The green change of Europe
  • Future of Europe
  • The digital transformation of Europe
  • Open and diverse Europe
  • Poland before the elections

They are included in the panel discussions developed in partnership with the University of Lodz: 

12 October 2023 | 10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. | Atrium C 
Panel: New competences or new professions? 

The development of technologies such as artificial intelligence in particular is bringing a new quality to many areas – including the labour market. People should already be preparing themselves for the new playing field in the labour market, especially in terms of competences that are completely different from those needed until recently, as well as the changing demand for various professions. How to understand continuous professional development in the context of the increasing role of AI. 

  • Małgorzata Dobies-Turulska, President of IKEA Industry in Poland 
  • Agnieszka Kurczewska, Vice-Rector, Department of Economic Mechanisms, University of Lodz
  • Joanna Pruszyńska-Witkowska, Vice-President, Future Collars 
  • Artur Skiba, President of Antal 
  • Piotr Wachowiak, Rector, Director of the Institute of Management, SGH 

Chair: Małgorzata Lelińska, Confederation Lewiatan

12 October 2023 | 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. | Atrium B THE GREEN CHANGE OF EUROPE
Panel: New green cities?

The smart city is not only talked about in the context of a comfortable space, but also a healthy one. Urban development strategies are increasingly becoming part of the green transformation. So how are cities in Poland changing and where can we find good European models?

  • Bożena Leśniewska, Vice President of the Management Board for the Business Market, Orange Polska 
  • Łukasz Niewola, Chief Sustainability & Corporate Affairs Officer, LUX MED Group 
  • Izabela Rakuć-Kochaniak, President of the Board of the Veolia Foundation Poland, Director of CSR Veolia Energia Polska 
  • Marcin Skwierawski, Deputy Mayor of Sopot 
  • Paulina Wilk, author, reporter, “Culture Doesn’t Hurt” Foundation 

Chair: Mariusz Sokołowicz, urban social activist, urban planner-economist, University of Lodz

12 October 2023 | 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. | Atrium B 
Panel: Child well-being in a digital world  

Smartphone addiction has become an everyday occurrence and the exposure to phishing is increasing with the emergence of more apps targeting also children and young people. How to achieve balance and does the current situation require top-down regulations? 

  • Magdalena Bigaj, President of the Digital Citizenship Institute Foundation 
  • Konrad Ciesiołkiewicz, President, Orange Foundation  
  • Katarzyna Gruszecka-Spychała, Deputy Mayor of Gdynia for the Economy 
  • Marcin Olender, Public Policy and Government Relations Manager, Google 
  • Ada Florentyna Pawlak, anthropologist of technology, lawyer and art historian, University of Lodz 

Chair: Arkadiusz Michałowski, specialist for analysis of illegal content on the Internet, NASK

12 October 2023 | 2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. | Atrium C 
Panel: Will robots replace us at work? 

In many areas, especially industry, the scale of automation and robotisation of processes is increasing. Additionally, the popularity of artificial intelligence is increasingly being discussed in the context of human substitutability in the workplace. The pace of change is enormous, so what does this mean for the labour market in terms of the coming years? 

  • Katarzyna Gruszecka-Spychała, Deputy Mayor of Gdynia 
  • Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska, Director of the Centre for Intelligent Technologies, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz 
  • Jacek Męcina, lawyer, advisor to the Confederation Lewiatan  
  • Antoni Rytel, Representative of the Minister of Education and Science for Digital Transformation 
  • Robert Żurawski, President, Mera-Pnefal 

Chair: Artur Miernik, Partner at EY Poland

13 October 2023 | 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. | EFNI Talks

Author meeting: "A state that works. On Finnish public policies"   

Chair: Krzysztof Ratnicyn, Confederation Lewiatan

13 October 2023 | 10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.| Grand Pavilion 
Panel: Economy and democracy – the challenges of the future – an Oxford debate otherwise  

  • Agnieszka Kurczewska, Vice-Rector, University of Lodz
  • Piotr Wachowiak, Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics 
  • The University of Lodz and SGH students

13 October 2023 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.| Atrium A 
Panel: Do we trust artificial intelligence?  

On the development of new human-centred technologies. Do we trust AI? On the development of new human-centred technologies. What do Poles think about new technologies? How do we develop new solutions so that they are credible and work for humanity? Societies' approach to new technologies will define our reality. Governments, companies and civil society organisations play an important role in creating the frameworks that allow artificial intelligence to flourish. 

  • Agnieszka Jankowska, Corporate & Public Affairs Director, T-Mobile Polska 
  • Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska, Director of the Centre for Intelligent Technologies at the University of Lodz 
  • Wojciech Murawski, CCO, Board Member, Autopay  (Blue Media)  
  • Martyna Różycka, manager, Illegal Internet Content Response Unit, Dyżurnet.pl, NASK 
  • Anna Rulkiewicz, President, Luxmed Group Chair: Anna Wittenberg, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

13 October 2023 | 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. | Grand Pavilion
Panel: Presence and role of women in the world of technology 

Digital transformation is seizing more areas of our lives. Are we ready for huge changes that affect both our private and professional lives? How does the situation for women look from this perspective, especially as there is still a stereotypical perception in the public space that professions such as programming and IT belong to men. What can or should public administrations and the third sector do to integrate women into the digital world? 

  • Katarzyna Blachowicz, Chief Operating Officer, Centralny Ośrodek Informatyki 
  • Natalia Hatalska, digital trends researcher, infuture.institute Future Research Institute 
  • Ada Florentyna Pawlak, anthropologist of technology, lawyer, University of Lodz 
  • Mikołaj Pindelski, economist, the SGH Warsaw School of Economics 
  • Agnieszka Pomaska, Member of the Polish Sejm 
  • Alicja Tatarczuk, CSR manager, Huawei Poland 

Chair: Katarzyna Dębska, Polityka Insight

The European Forum for New Ideas is one of the largest conferences in this part of the continent, dedicated to global trends, new ideas and the future of Europe. During dozens of events, panels, open meetings, counterpoints or night talks business representatives, charismatic speakers, leaders and decision-makers, as well as authorities from the world of culture and science debate about the most important challenges for business and societies in a changing world, global trends and the future shape of the Union.

We want to find out how the AI revolution will affect the innovation of companies, the labour market, the competences of the future and therefore also education. This challenge does not push away urgent issues such as the green transition, Poland's participation in the reconstruction of Ukraine or building a competitive Polish economy, but it does complicate the picture. In the Polish reality, this is compounded by a political context, legal chaos, lack of transparency, when entrepreneurs have to pass a test of resourcefulness and mental toughness

– says Dr Henryka Bochniarz, Chairwoman of the Main Council, Confederation Lewiatan 

Each year, the Forum gathers more than a thousand participants – representatives of business, science, culture and both Polish and European administrations. The European Forum for New Ideas has been organised since 2011 by the Confederation Lewiatan  in partnership with BusinessEurope and the City of Sopot.

Guests of previous editions of EFNI included: Herman Van Rompuy - DHC UŁ, Jeffrey David Sachs – DHC of the University of Lodz, José Manuel Durão Barroso – DHC of the University of Lodz, Mikhail Gorbachev, George Friedman, Zbigniew Brzeziński, Frans Timmermans, Bernard-Henri Lévy. 

University of Lodz and the SGH Warsaw School of Economics are the main knowledge partners of EFNI 2023. 

 EFNI partners

Source: Centre for External Relations, University of Lodz

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz