Dr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska na tegorocznym ABSL Summit


ABSL Summit is undoubtedly one of the most important events in the business services sector, in Poland as well as in Central and Eastern Europe. This year, the conference brought together over 1,000 leaders from the world of business, science, media and state administration. The speakers included: Mark Brzeziński, the Ambassador of the United States to Poland and Anne Applebaum, Pulitzer Prize winner. One of the speakers was also Dr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska, Director of the Centre for Intelligent Technologies at the Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz.

This year’s leading slogan was: "Lead the Way, Stay Ahead". And so was the conference itself – extremely inspiring and focused on finding ways and tools that would allow us to act effectively and efficiently in the conditions of observed technological, geopolitical and economic changes. 

"To be with GenAI or not to be" – the influence of generative AI on the global market and selected market sectors

Dr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska together with Piotr Dorosz, CEO at Deviniti, during their speech "To be with GenAI or not to be", reflected on the impact of generative AI on the global market and selected market sectors. The fact is that, according to McKinsey's report "The economic potential of generative AI", this technology can increase the value of the global economy by up to USD 4.4 trillion per year, and the highest level of resulting productivity will be visible in sectors such as: customer service, marketing, sales, software engineering and R&D.

The labour market will also change, especially given that GenAI will have the greatest impact on knowledge-based jobs and professions.

GenAI in business – four potential scenarios

Four potential scenarios for approaching GenAI in business were presented, taking into account technological and business potential of generative AI, as well as the impact of legal regulations, in particular the AI Act:

  • passive observation
  • automation
  • job development
  • AI-integrated teams

Each of them is becoming more and more advanced in terms of the scope of this technology use, but at the same time it allows for an increasingly higher rise in business value.

Presentation and access to the detailed report

Although the developed scenarios focus mainly on the SSC (Shared Services Centers) sector, they can be successfully transferred to many other market sectors, including banking, education, health care, as well as creative sectors.

"To be with GenAI or not to be…?" – each of us must find the answer to this question ourselves.

Text: Dr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska, Centre for Intelligent Technologies at the University of Lodz Faculty of Management

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz