1 DLMFa_1

Ze względu na możliwe modyfikacje prosimy o śledzenie na bieżąco rozkładu zajęć.
Zajęcia, przy których nie są określone daty spotkań odbywają się cyklicznie co tydzień.

Please be aware that timetables can be modified, please check it on regular basis.
Classes without specific dates are held every week.

Data publikacji: 09-01-2024

  Poniedziałek Wtorek Środa Czwartek Piątek 
8.00 - 8.45
  [W] Organization Theory
prof. M. Zalewska-Turzyńska
s.106 (M)
8.00 - 8.45
8.50 - 9.35
  [W] Organization Theory
prof. M. Zalewska-Turzyńska
s.106 (M)
[W] Economics
prof. P. Urbanek/prof. A. Ząbkowicz
s.106 (M)
[C] Organization Theory
prof. M. Zalewska-Turzyńska
s.317 (M)
8.50 - 9.35
9.45 - 10.30
  10 meetings (3 hours each)
from 17.10 to 9.01
[W] Economics
prof. P. Urbanek/prof. A. Ząbkowicz
s.106 (M)
[C] Organization Theory
prof. M. Zalewska-Turzyńska
s.317 (M)
9.45 - 10.30
10.35 - 11.20
    [W] Economics
prof. P. Urbanek/prof. A. Ząbkowicz
s.106 (M)
6 meetings (3 hours each)

10.35 - 11.20
11.30 - 12.15
Physical Education
Sport's Center 5 Styrska Street
  12 meetings (4 hours each)
from 18.10 to 24.01
[C] Understanding Business I
dr A. Orankiewicz/prof M.Turała
s.109 (M)
11.30 - 12.15
12.20 - 13.05
Physical Education
Sport's Center 5 Styrska Street
  [W] Fundamentals of Finance
dr N. Voytovych
s.106 (M)
[C] Understanding Business I
dr A. Orankiewicz/prof M.Turała
s.109 (M)
12.20 - 13.05
13.15 - 14.00
Physical Education
Sport's Center 5 Styrska Street
[C] Introduction to Management
dr Joanna Michalak
s.101 (M)
[W] Fundamentals of Finance
dr N. Voytovych
s.106 (M)
12 meetings (3 hours each)
from 19.10 to 25.01
13.15 - 14.00
14.05 - 14.50
Physical Education
Sport's Center 5 Styrska Street
[C] Introduction to Management
dr Joanna Michalak
s.101 (M)
10 meetings (3 hours each)
from 18.10 to 10.01 without 20.12
+6.12,13.12 between 3.00 p.m. and 4.15 p.m. s. 207
[C] IT Tools for Business
dr B. Gontar
14.05 - 14.50
15.00 - 15.45
Physical Education
Sport's Center 5 Styrska Street
12 meetings (3 hours each)
from 17.10 to 23.01
  [C] IT Tools for Business
dr B. Gontar
15.00 - 15.45
15.50 - 16.35
Physical Education
Sport's Center 5 Styrska Street
    5 meetings (3 hours each)
from 19.10 to 23.11
15.50 - 16.35
16.45 - 17.30
Physical Education
Sport's Center 5 Styrska Street
16.45 - 17.30
17.35 - 18.20
Physical Education
Sport's Center 5 Styrska Street
17.35 - 18.20
18.30 - 19.15
18.30 - 19.15
19.20 - 20.05
19.20 - 20.05

W - wykład, C - ćwiczenia, K - konwersatorium, L - lektorat, LI - laboratorium, WR - warsztaty, ZT - zajęcia terenowe,
W - lectures, C - tutorials, K - discussion class, L - language course, LI - laboratory, WR - workshop,
1/2 sem.: A - pierwsza połowa semestru, B - druga połowa semestru (termin rozpoczęcia zajęć do uzgodnienia).